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 Bill (Beel) Swersey, from New York, who caught the Russian bug working in Moscow for Gamma-Liaison in 1991 and now the co-founder of InterFoto, the Moscow International Photojournalism Festival, this year running from May 30 to June 1. (For more information see below)

Now back in the US doing graduate studies in multimedia, Bill has created an amazing exhibit of Russian photos using Photobubbles, on the New York Times web site.

For a more comprehensive and exceptional look at Bill's great variety of work, have a look at

To e-mail Bill:



InterFoto 97 Festival Information - For Immediate Release

InterFoto 97, the pioneer annual international festival for professional photographers and photo editors of Russia and the CIS, will open in Moscow's centrally located KinoCenter complex May 30, 1997 and run for three days.

In 1995 InterFoto created an instant tradition by bringing together hundreds of local pros with colleagues from around the world in a forum where they could share experiences and discuss issues important to their field. InterFoto has since become the premier annual event of its kind.

For foreign photo editors and photographers InterFoto represents a unique opportunity to get to know the members of this vibrant community and their work.

World-class photo professionals confirmed as presenters at InterFoto 97:

Bill Eppridge, special-projects photographer for "Sports Illustrated" magazine; Donna Ferrato, photojournalist and contributing photographer for "Life" magazine; Colin Jacobson, photo editor and Lecturer in Photojournalism; Torsten Kjellstrand, staff photographer for "The Herald" newspaper in Jasper, Indiana; Igor Mukhin, Moscow art photographer; Jim Nachtwey, "Time" magazine photographer and member of the Magnum Agency; Larry Towell, Canadian member of the Magnum Agency; Vladimir Velengurin, photojournalist with "Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper.

InterFoto 97's program introduces workshops on technique and new technologies, plus a first-ever intensive workshop for local photo editors. Featured presentations, panel discussions, portfolio reviews, and a sponsor's exhibition arena are all free to registering professionals and serious students of photography. The entire InterFoto 97 program is conducted with simultaneous interpretation, so both Russian and English speakers can take part equally and freely.

InterFoto 97 is made possible by the generous support of Founding Patrons Canon and Kodak. Supporting Sponsors are led by Polaroid, Sivma, Tekhsoyuz, Nikon and Agfa.

Qualified professionals and students must pre-register to attend InterFoto 97. Please register by e-mail: or fax 7-095-945-9661. For more information about InterFoto visit our website at .

Hotel, travel and Russian visas (required) can be arranged by InterFoto's travel agent Natasha Lamper, World Quest Travel, phone: 212-378-2999 or fax: 212-378-4784.

We look forward to seeing you in Moscow!


InterFoto, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation registered in Washington, DC,whose mission is to seed and cultivate bonds of community and knowledge between photography professionals in the former Soviet Union and colleagues around the globe. InterFoto was founded in 1994 by photojournalists Lucian Perkins and Bill Swersey.

Bill Swersey - Director/Co-Founder InterFoto Russian Photo Festival

e-mail: Moscow office:

Tel: 212-496-1734, Fax: 212-496-5636 Note New Moscow Tel/Fax:



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